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Release Update of Doctor's Rescue by Lia Meadows

 Hey book-lover! How are you? Today I am coming with a Release Update of a contemporary romance novel written by Lia Meadows . This is the second book written by Lia Meadows and it's released on 24th December, 2022. The Name of this fantastic romance piece is Doctor's Rescue .  About the author Lia Meadows in her words: " I live on a farm with many rescue animals, horses, mini pigs, donkeys, cows, dogs and a bird. Many of these animals require special treatment which I enjoy providing each day. Most of these animals came to my farm so broken from lack of care it was a miracle they survived. I have so enjoyed seeing these abused animals thrive under the proper care and grateful to be a part of their recovery. No matter how many hours I spend taking care of the animals they have always given back more than they take with the countless laughs, smiles and affection they give me each day. Writing books has provided me with a wonderful creative outlet which allows me to stay ho...

A Short Review of Lucía Orellana Damacela's Inherent

Inherent by Lucía Orellana Damacela

Hey book lover! The first poetry book I read in 2021 is Lucía Orellana Damacela's Inherent. The book is published by Fly On the Wall Press. You may already have watched the unboxing video of this book on my YouTube channel, in case you missed it, the video is here:

Inherent has forty-seven pages. There are thirty-nine poetries in this collection, and they will collectively create a homely atmosphere in a reader's mind. Break In, Mourning, Drenched, Housekeeping and Rain Noir - these five poetries touched me so much that I was reading this book again and again to feel them more. Housekeeping holds the poet's point of view on silence, fear, loneliness, anxiety, indulgence and strength. This poem will definitely grab the reader's attention more.

Lucía Orellana Damacela's Inherent can be read by anyone who loves lyricism. The poetries in this book reflect multiple cultures. Inherent belongs to home. If you are staying out of your home, you can consider a paperback copy of Inherent as a companion and you will start missing your home more. If you love reading personal poetries, the "freshness" of these poems will crank up your reading experience. I think the poetries in this book are written to please the slow readers. Inherent doesn't contain any vulgar or profane words. If you are a budding poet, you can read this book to learn how you can convert your life into a beautiful poem.

Reading Experience of Inherent:
It took me almost one and a half months to finish this book. I loved reading the poetries and enjoyed their freshness. I read the book so many times, and every time I reach the last poetry of the book, the inner me says, "It will not take much time, let's explore them again". So, it was tough to break the loop. The taste of the poetries gradually gets better. The free spaces on the pages may offend some readers, but they allowed me to roam around my thoughts. I loved the formatting and page quality of this book. I am giving four out of four stars in this section, and I'm pretty sure that the paperback version will give you a good reading experience.

Writing Style:
Lucía used simple yet meaningful words to express her thoughts through poetries. Look how beautifully she assembled her life, nature and some deep thoughts in one stanza:
"A gaunt tree stands
alone amidst the arid shore,
its roots down my throat"
The Inside Tree
The use of Spanish words (and phrases) added a nostalgic flavour to the poetries. Her unique style of titling the poetries will hold the attention of a reader. Lucía's writing style is very influential and I am giving it four out of four stars.

Overall Rating of Inherent:
Lucía beautifully snapshots her life through lyricism by keeping the poetries close to nature. Each poem is a fusion of two or more thoughts which made this collection interesting to read. One thing I missed in this book is - the author's note. The author's note brings the reader closer to the author. I didn't see any such notes or sentences to the reader. Hope the author and the publisher will not ignore it in their upcoming books.
Like their previous publications, Fly on the Wall Press has not disappointed the readers. Inherent reflects how much effort Fly on the Wall Press is putting to provide the readers with quality content. The book is perfectly edited, and I loved all the elements of this book. I am giving it four out of four stars.

I hope you got an idea of Lucía's Inherent from this review. If you want to buy this book, you can click here. I think the book will be shipped anywhere in the world. I will update on my Instagram if there's a discount going on. So don't forget to follow me on Instagram. Until my next blog-post, keep reading, keep smiling. Bye!

P.S.: I know you will share this blog-post with your friends, foes and family.


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