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Release Update of Doctor's Rescue by Lia Meadows

 Hey book-lover! How are you? Today I am coming with a Release Update of a contemporary romance novel written by Lia Meadows . This is the second book written by Lia Meadows and it's released on 24th December, 2022. The Name of this fantastic romance piece is Doctor's Rescue .  About the author Lia Meadows in her words: " I live on a farm with many rescue animals, horses, mini pigs, donkeys, cows, dogs and a bird. Many of these animals require special treatment which I enjoy providing each day. Most of these animals came to my farm so broken from lack of care it was a miracle they survived. I have so enjoyed seeing these abused animals thrive under the proper care and grateful to be a part of their recovery. No matter how many hours I spend taking care of the animals they have always given back more than they take with the countless laughs, smiles and affection they give me each day. Writing books has provided me with a wonderful creative outlet which allows me to stay ho...

Owl Unbound by Zoe Brooks Release Update

Hey book lover! Today I am bringing a Release Update of a fantastic poetry collection for you. The book is published by Indigo Dreams Publishing LTD. and the name of the book is Owl Unbound. It is written by Zoe Brooks. Zoe's collection was published on 01/10/2020. There's a total of sixty pages in this book which contain forty-six poetries.
A little more about Of Owl Unbound:
‘Owl Unbound’ examines nature and humanity in a wide range of settings; from a stag beetle on a suburban fence to fossils on a Somerset beach, from a Cotswold roofer “tiptoeing the thin laths” to a bag lady in Covent Garden “dancing at the amplifier's right hand”. Whilst there is tender joy and love in the collection, there is also anger and loss.
What reviews are saying:
“Robert Frost described poetry as ‘a way of taking life by the throat’, and the fearless, vivid and immensely lyrical poems in 'Owl Unbound' do just that. A masterful collection of poems by an extraordinary poet.” - Anna Saunders
“There are so many lines here that stick with me and continue to unfold. Language that is fresh and unexpected, that gives us that inner nod of recognition.” - Angela France

About the author Zoe Brooks:
Zoe Brooks worked with disadvantaged communities in London and East Oxford before returning to her native Gloucestershire to write and grow vegetables. Zoe has been widely published in print and online magazines and appeared in the anthology 'Grandchildren of Albion'. Her long poem 'Fool's Paradise' won the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition award for best poetry ebook 2013.
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